...and I thought I'd share some of my favourite artists with you today. These are friends I've made over the past few years on the net, and firm friends because I
LOVE their work. Please take a look at their blogs and leave a comment if you're inspired to do so!
Alice Saltiel has been a fine artist friend for many years now, and her forays into the world of mixed media just thrill me. Her painterly sense of colour and texture take this field to new heights.
Alice in Wonderland © Alice Saltiel Marshall |
Deann at the
Whimsey Asylum (Love that name, don't you? Anything that playful has to be fun!) is a digital marvel, and I never know whether I'll be laughing hysterically or in tears at the beauty (and often both) when I visit her blog.
All You Need is Love © Deann Williams at The Whimsey Asylum |
Laura Leeder, a local artist and dear friend, is a delightful watercolourist, specialising in the rich florals she finds in her garden. Her fabulous patterning reminds me of William Morris' wonderful wallpapers.
Abigail Floral © Laura Leeder |
Another great local friend
Eileen Gidman, presently on a creative hiatus while building a new home with her husband, is a master with textiles and watercolour. We've had some great play dates, and I just had to show you this apron she created at one of them. She sewed aprons for the three of us (Laura, Eileen & Win) and this was her gorgeous finished project.
Apron patterns © Eileen Gidman |
We're fortunate to live in an artist-rich area, and a recent addition to the valley is
Lynne Mizera. Believe me, she's a welcome one as I'm not the only crazy one now! Lynne's a whiz at utilising throwaways and turning them into art pieces.
Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith is a British artist whose work just thrills me. Her layers and colour choices always have me drooling.
Journal spread © Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith |
Tracy Woodsford's Sojourner blog is always a delight to visit, and given that she lives in Australia, it's quite the trip. I so appreciate her thoughtful and considered take on life and art and am always inspired by her posts.
Calloused Heart © Tracy Woodsford |
Susi (aka Frobelsternchen) hails from Austria. Her eclectic pieces always please me, but I'm particularly fond of her teabag art!
I could go on and on, of course, but instead, I suggest you visit the pages on my blogroll to the right. These artists inspire me, make me laugh, make me think and generally lift my life to the max.
I'd love it if you would tell me who inspires you in the comments below (and do, please, include a link - we can always copy and paste!). And if you visit the blogs noted here, please tell them you appreciate their work; I know I do!