I most certainly am, and I trade with other artists as often as possible. When I had the opportunity to trade with one of my all-time favourite artists, Deann Williams of
The Whimsey Asylum, I was practically over the moon.
Not only did she send me
10 ATCs, she also sent this gorgeous hand-crafted card and a lovely note as well. Since Deann no longer creates anything but digital work, I feel very fortunate to have received such a cornucopia of physical pieces.
This ATC, 'A Kiss to Build a Dream On' is truly the image that I most equate with Deann. It always makes me laugh.
'Highway in the Sky' has my mind wandering over the heavens as I accompany the butterfly on that delightful zebra.
I can't stop laughing at 'Mona and the Fly', and given that this is not the only 'Mona' she's done, I think you should check the rest of them out too.
The soulful 'Angel Eyes' has a little bit of Win Dinn in the background...I love seeing my photos appear in Deann's work.
'Snow Papa' is particularly apt given the package's arrival so close to Father's Day. This was the last hand-painted ATC that Deann had from her pre-digital days, so I feel fortunate to be the recipient!
'Sky Music' thrills me with the thought of celestial delights...can you imagine what music would come from that instrument?!
'Puffin Magic makes me think of my friends over at
Puffin Design - they'd LOVE this one!
'Breaking Out' reminds me of my son Barry as a child...always trying to get out of the box and into something different!
'Uncle Steven's Fantastic Flying Machine' is like nothing I could imagine - which is exactly why The Whimsey Asylum gives me such pleasure!
My favourite, 'Contemplating Bubbles' has my dryer sheet curtains in the background, and the ethereal quality of the girl child is pure delight.
For sheer visual pleasure, I recommend you stop to visit
The Whimsey Asylum. I never know whether I'll be roaring with laughter or be blown away by exquisite beauty, but it's always amazing.
On another note, I managed to attend a fabulously fun workshop with
Lynne Mizera at
Fly in the Fibre this past week, and had a lovely afternoon creating a couple of small paintings, both of which were started on canvas boards covered with mop-up paper towels. Lynne's a whiz at using unconventional materials of all sorts, and much fun.
Because we were such hard workers, we had time to create some spray backgrounds as well...I'll let you know what happens with these!
I also managed to start the free online
Women Unleashed Retreat. It's not too late to start, so do pop over and have a go. You can do as much or as little of it (and there's a huge variety covered in the 10 days), and if all I manage is the journal start, I'll be happy.
Front Cover of 'Palimpsest' journal for Women Unleashed Retreat |
Back cover of Palimpsest journal for Women Unleashed Retreat
The ten days of doodling over the last couple of weeks came in handy for this cover, and now I'm totally obsessed with patterns again.
And just in case you've not had enough visuals in today's post, do stop in to see the Material Change show in Kimberley, BC. It features Darcy Wanuk, Alison & Bart Bjorkman of Puffin Design, and yours truly in an amazing collection of repurposing, recycling and reinvention of the art concept.
Here's hoping you've had a terrifically creative week too. Let me know what you've been up to in the comments below please, and do provide a link to your own doings. We all know how to copy and paste.