Thursday, 28 January 2016


...for artists are so much fun, and I managed to have two last week.  Apart from the bookmark-making one from my last post, I joined Laura and Gail at Eileen's place where we decorated fabric, ourselves (in my case from head to toe) and aprons in a host of paints and stamps.

Eileen made the canvas aprons for us (thank you SO much, Eileen), and we went to town.  This was my finished apron, and I had a LOT of fun getting there!

We started by testing stamps and different types of paint on scrap fabrics that Eileen provided.  We all brought stamps from our own stashes, with the hands down  favourite being the Art Foamies. These fabulous stamps are not only beautifully designed, they're crisp, easy to handle and even easier to clean.  We LOVED them!

Eileen's test fabric was a study in blues and greens;  you can see the finished sampler here on Eileen's post about the art party.

Eileen's finished apron is so elegant in black and white...I think I want to do another one after seeing this.

Laura was a very busy woman as she finished a sampler, some wrapping paper (bottom right, done by first stamping on paper to get a softer effect with the paint on her sampler/apron) and her apron.

 Laura's apron is a delight of muted shades in a garden theme.

Gail, a clothing designer, worked on a piece of fabric in soft shades of brown.  The all-over pattern will make a lovely garment.

It was a wonderful day of creative fun and I can see that we will want to organize more of these parties.  

I wonder what will be next...tote bags, sneakers, or ???

Friday, 22 January 2016

Making your Mark...

... was a blast.  A fundraiser project for the local library, it was organized for a couple of reasons - I had a need to reduce my Gelli print stash (with all the demos I do in playshops I had a ton of them) and I really like to incorporate creative play with volunteer work.  We had two sessions, morning and afternoon, and some talented and enthusiastic participants.  I'm pretty sure we made a gazillion of them.  Well, it felt like it anyway, with all that energy vibrating in the Puffin studio.

 The morning group of Val, Eileen and Carrie were on a tearaway right from the time they walked in.

 Carrie was into black and white, and made sure to include a gent's bookmark in her pieces.

 Val was intent on including all the colours of the rainbow, and I think she succeeded beautifully.  You can see her post here about her bookmarking.

 Eileen did some fabulous bookmarks in spite of saying she had no idea what she was doing!

 The afternoon group included Laura Leeder who was on such a roll she finished 10 bookmarks!  Check out Laura's art apron - there will be a future post about that as well.

 Gay was just full of fun and ready to rock and roll at all times.

Eileen's first comment was the need to include some 'male-oriented' bookmarks, and she managed that beautifully, as well as inspiring me to do some too.

 Eileen did these, incorporating all sorts of the mixed media supplies.

 I think Gay, like Val, was also after every colour in the rainbow - aren't they lovely?

 Laura's are just as rich and colourful, and I'm still agog at her doing 10 in a couple of hours????!!

These groups really knows how to put the fun in fun-draiser!  In fact, we made about seventy bookmarks in total, and I'm sure we could do the same again.  Anyone want to join us?

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Getting back...

...into the thick of my artistic life has been a bit of a challenge this month.  I've been setting up playshops, nailing down details for a September show, and getting back into the groove at Puffin after a hiatus for a couple of weeks.

Mulling over a way to use my creative bent in the community has me organizing a fun morning at Puffin, for those who just love to play in the studio.  Called Marking Your Mark, we're going to create some bookmarks and donate them to the local  library for a fundraising effort.

Along with the ever popular Gelli playshop, I'm introducing a new class called 'Burn, Baby, Burn', to teach students how to create their own stencils.  It's one that Gelli-obsessed students have been asking for, as the ultra-thin stencils are a delight for Gelli printing.

Of course, there can be no planning in the studio without some play, so the Gelli plate got a bit of a workout!

You can find out more details about these classes, and others, here.  And while you're having a look, I'd like to know how you and other artists in your community further the arts.  I love ideas that create awareness of the arts, raise funds for worthy causes, and profile artists in a new way. Your comments can help share ideas.

Friday, 1 January 2016

This month has been... of changes, introspection and delightful happenings, to say nothing of celebrations of the season.

With my favourite daughter moving back to town along with her two travelling companions, our house is full of laughter, howls (mostly from the dogs) and fun.

I've been following a number of blogs this year, and this past month has been one of  'words to live by' for the upcoming year on many of the posts.  I've been unable to choose one word that sums up my feelings, but with reference to my last post, this is my aim for 2016.

I plan to do what I can, from where I am in my own community to create a better world.  And truly, isn't that all one can do?

I'm wishing you a year of all that you could possibly desire.

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